Looking for help with your personal injury case or civil case in Florida? Send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can!
Office Address
121 S. Orange Ave Suite 1150 N
Orlando, FL 32801
Parking Address
155 S. Court Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801
Since there is no parking in front of our office, navigating to the parking address will be your best option. The address of the garage is 155 S. Court Ave., Orlando, 32801. The garage is labeled Plaza Garage. Go to the third level or higher and park in any spot that is not marked RESERVE (every spot has a number, but is not reserved). There are two towers with a theatre between them. Be sure to locate the NORTH tower elevators (it is to the right and slightly behind the theatre elevator) and come to the 11th floor.
Additional hours are by appointment only
Office Address:
121 S. Orange Ave Suite 1150 N
Orlando, FL 32801
Parking Address:
155 S. Court Ave.
Orlando, FL 32801
(407) 367-0278
The Dill Law Group